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Title: The renaissance in India
Authors: Cousins, James Henry
Keywords: Painting, Indic
Indic literature (English)
Naidu, Sarojini, 1879-1949
Issue Date: 1918
Abstract: This book is 'lot about the I'ldian RenaissancIJ, but about tTl/l Renaissance i,t India, a small difference in u'ords but a lal'g() one in substance. It is not retrospectivo and finished, but contemporary and the1"ejore 1Iappily inc(j71Zplete. It is limited to literat1we and painti,lg: but a,· MIla , music, sculpture, ar~1Iitect1/l"e and h;tldi~ajts are fee/i'lg th~ nt'llJ i i/c. Their· omissi01~ is dt/e to the jact that the a111hor is a 1I1mlan beillg working in lime and space: also to a jeeZi'lg that at tho presmt jundul'e anything that can add to the unde?'standittg' oj India by llel'self should 'lOt wait jar full speech. I hope t1lat t1l6 cOlllparat·it·e references to East ana West will' not bo taken as an effort to deal in a balanced u'ay u'ith the subjects concerned. Life leallcs perfect balance to science' laboratories and (sometimes) shop counte,'s, and proceeds on ils way to u;isdom through zig-fags of prejudice. And so, against the 10holc weig11t of a religious and sccial 11Pbringing that consigned everyo1le oulside my ou:n. faith to · Hell, and look Eurqpe (before August 1914) to be the first and last word in culture, I have I"ied t';;iakc on an i'ltelligetlt, not a blind, eastern prejudice, so that thereby I f/light attain, and perhaps cCl7llfllUnica·te, a larger and deeper cCl7Ilprehension of the spiritual; nun/al M id tmoliona£ ' forces that are mouldill!] th. l11dia 0; the ncar future.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/817
Appears in Collections:Rare Books

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