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Title: Dharma, Society and Political Order
Authors: Roy, Ramashray
Keywords: Dharma
Political Order
Issue Date: Dec-2001
Publisher: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla
Abstract: Whenever the issue of creating, sustaining and safeguarding order in society is raised, the tradition ofWestem thinking gives one unequivocal answer. It identifies the political sys te m as not only creator of order, but also its guardian and protector when the unruly crowd of passions rises in open rebellion against the harsh rule of the soul and when, as a - r result of this, order in society is threatened with disruption
Description: Page no. - 10 to 39
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4920
ISSN: 0972-1401
Appears in Collections:Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) Vol.8, No.1 (2001)

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