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dc.contributor.authorDeshpande, Sharad
dc.description.abstractWe all know that oxymorons like the ones in the title of this essay are a literary device to enter into the realm of the non-literal by juxtaposing contradictory terms. But we hardly realize that what is taken to be just a literary devise could actually be an invitation to ìsee throughî the union of contradictory terms and to engage with the enigma or the mystery that the alleged union generatesen_US
dc.publisherIndian Institute of Advanced Study ,Shimlaen_US
dc.subjecthearing silenceen_US
dc.subjectspeaking anirvacaniyaen_US
dc.titleHearing Silence, Speaking Anirvacaniyaen_US
Appears in Collections:Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) Vol.20, No.1,2013

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