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Title: Of grandeur and valour : bollywood and India's fighting personnel 1960-2005
Authors: Mitra, Sunetra
Keywords: Bollywood
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla
Abstract: Cinema, in Asia and India, can be broadly classified into three categoriesópopular, artistic and experimental. The popular films are commercial by nature, designed to appeal to the vast mass of people and to secure maximum profit. The artistic filmmaker while not abandoning commercial imperatives seeks to explore through willed art facets of indigenous experiences and thought worlds that are amenable to aesthetic treatment.
Description: page no. 103-116
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4500
ISSN: 09721401
Appears in Collections:Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) Vol.15, No.1-2 (2008)

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