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Title: The episode of Ananda's "offences":An attempt to understand the paradoxes of the Buddha's teachings
Authors: Singh, Siddharth
Keywords: Paradoxes of the Buddha's teachings
Ananda's offences
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla
Abstract: The episode of Ånandaís ìoffencesî seems to be one of the most striking features of the whole post-Buddha history of Buddhism which, unfortunately, did not draw the attention of the scholars so far as it genuinely deserved. A careful investigation of the whole the episode is truly needed to understand the function of the First Buddhist Council as, though unfortunately, is left by the stalwarts of Buddhism like H. Oldenberg, L. De La Vallee Poussin, and R.C. Majumdar in their thorough investigation of the proceedings of the First Buddhist Council. Editor: Varsha Bhagat -Ganguly
Description: page no. 9-25
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4481
ISSN: 09721401
Appears in Collections:Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) Vol.15, No.1-2 (2008)

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