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Title: The Hindu Gods and how to recognize them
Authors: Kincaid, C.A.
Keywords: Religion
Issue Date: 1922
Publisher: Times of India press
Abstract: My object in writing this little book is to supply a want, which, as I believe, is widely felt among Englishmen and other foreigners resident in India, namely, a simple little guide book, with whose help they will be able to tell at a glance to what god a temple is dedicated or what the little brass images on their own and their neighbours' drawing room tables represent. Learned books on the Hindu religion already exist. The first to appear was Moor's Hindu Pantheon, but its arrangement is such as to repel the ordinary reader. A very valuable book is 'Wilkins' Hindu :Mythology. But that also is rather beyond the casual reader
Description: Including, Illustrations, Index
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1055
Appears in Collections:Rare Books

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